


How important is English to you?

本文由:上海朗阁雅思培训   编辑于:2015-12-07

  【Question】How important is English to you?

  【Answer】English is extremely important to me because next year i plan to continue my studies in Australia. So i need my English to be good enough to understand the teachers there, and to communicate with the local people. In addition, English is the international language, so it will probably come in handy when i travel or when i do my future job.

  【Question】 If you could, would you change jobs?

  【Answer 】Although I am very happy in my present job, I believe one should always be ambitious. That is to say one should never be complacent, but should be on the lookout for opportunities to advance in your career. Furthermore, I would not hesitate for one moment if I could obtain a promotion by changing jobs. I realize that one should show some loyalty to your present employer, but there has to be a balance between looking after one’s own interests and those of your present employer.

  【Question】What do you usually do in your holidays?

  【Answer】During my holiday, I try to catch up with friends and go out together somewhere. That's the only time I can relax and do something I enjoy. Other than that, it's really difficult because I am always busy with my work, and sometimes I have to work overtime.

  【Question】Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live?

  【Answer】Yes, because it's got a lot of opportunities and the entertainment facilities are quite good. You can get a decent job here if you have some skills, and you can make a lot of good friends if you have a good personality.

